Summer Holiday Debating Workshop
Children engaging in complex thinking during the holidays may seem both unlikely and unfair, but a keen group of kids from across our local region gathered at the Jerrabomberra Community Centre on Wednesday the 24th of January to stretch their minds at a day-long Summer Holiday Debating Workshop. Their enthusiasm for critical thinking was wonderfully evident as they discussed real-world issues, played thinking and speaking games, and took part in informal min-debates.
Such workshops are a key initiative of our Fondation, with our expert tutors guiding the children throughout the day. Generous funding from the Braidwood and Bungendore Community Bank gave free access to this workshop for the students and their families, and is part of the Bank’s vision backing the Concensus Education program for helping local kids develop their thinking.
The students who took part in the workshop, live in different places across our local region, and go to seven different schools, mostly in the QPRC LGA but a small number in Goulburn and Canberra. Their schools are Braidwood Central School, Bungendore Public School, Queanbeyan South Public School, Karabar High School, Trinity College Goulburn, Gininderra College and Lyneham High School.
Consensus looks forward to running similar events for local students in the future.