Consensus Education Logo

Consensus Education

An Australian charity fostering
the next generation of
critical thinkers

Who are we?

The Consensus Education Foundation is dedicated to developing rational, empathetic and capable thinkers while advancing educational equity.

We believe that effective critical thinking and communication skills are crucial to the development and success of young people and their ability to navigate a complex world. We provide opportunities for students to master these essential skills, with a particular focus on students from remote and disadvantaged communities. As a charity, we value the generous support of our funders in enabling us to provide equitable access to critical thinking education.

Primary student delivering a speech at a Consensus workshop

How schools can enable learning extension for gifted and enthusiastic students.

Are you a teacher or school leader looking for more opportunities for your students? We run after-school online programs that you can help your students access. We also deliver a range of services directly to schools, covering critical thinking, debating and public speaking, that can be targeted for the specific needs of your students, or as professional learning for your teachers.

High school students at a Consensus workshop

How parents can promote their child’s critical thinking and communication development.

Are you a parent looking for more opportunities for you child? We have developed a range of online, after-school programs for enthusiastic students to challenge and enrich their learning. These include our critical thinking program, ThinkTank, as well as workshops and competitions in debating and public speaking. You can contact us directly or reach out to your school about getting involved.

Experienced Educators

Our senior team has taught critical thinking, public speaking, and debating to thousands of students and teachers.

Our founders, Julian and James, have decades of experience teaching school-age students across NSW. They are dedicated to developing best-practice pedagogy for creative critical thinking teaching and learning. Consensus Education is Australia’s only charitable foundation devoted specifically to developing and delivering these fundamentally important educational resources.

James Smith, Education Officer
Julian Davies, Executive Officer

Julian Davies
Executive Officer

James Smith
Education Officer


News from Consensus

Partners & Accreditations

Plain English Speaking Award Logo
ACNC Registered Charity Logo
Plain English Speaking Award ACT Logo
Teacher Quality Institute ACT Accreditation

Sponsors & Donors

Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council Logo
Community Bank Braidwood & Districts Logo
NSW Government Logo
Mary MacKillop Today Logo