Register Your Child
ThinkTank Southern Tablelands

Please provide us with the following details to register for ThinkTank Term 1 2025. Please ensure that your child has been nominated for ThinkTank by your school or directly by Consensus prior to registration.
Key Details
The Term 1 course will start in Week 5 and run for 6 weeks.
A Zoom link is sent to students to use for the course.
ThinkTank tuition is free — voluntary donations are very much appreciated.
Available classes
Junior ThinkTank (Years 5 & 6):
Places are full for our Junior classes. Please complete the registration form to join the waitlist, and we’ll contact you when places become available.Senior ThinkTank (Years 7-12):
Monday 4.30-6.00
Thursday 4.30-6.00
ThinkTank Southern Tablelands is an initiative of the Consensus Education Foundation, and is supported by the Braidwood-Bungendore Community Bank. Generous funding from the Bank covers the tuition costs for all students in the Southern Tablelands region.
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Please download and read our Media Policy. You will be asked to indicate your media permissions in the registration form.