For Arguments:
Document | Beginner Resource
A clear heading for a specific argument either for change or keeping things the same.
My team's (first/next) argument will show that ...
Proof for why your argument is realistic and is likely to happen. Try to give at least two proofs.
I have two ways that my argument can be proved. Firstly ... Secondly ...
The worthwhile effects (or outcomes) from what you have just proved.
This means that our change (or keeping things the same) will have a positive effect because ...
Why your outcomes improve society (and its standards or principles we should live by).
That's valuable for our world because ...
For Rebuttal:
Give a clear simple heading for a single clear argument used by the opposition.
The opposition has argued that...
Give proofs for why their argument is unrealistic or is unlikely to happen. Try to give at least two reasons.
I have two reasons why this argument is unrealistic. Firstly... Secondly...
Even if
Explain why, even if realistic, the opposition has exaggerated the benefits of their argument.
Even if their claim was realistic, we think they’ve exaggerated its effect because...
Summarise how you have proved their argument wrong and how that affects their whole case.
Overall, this shows that...