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Topics List
Knowing what kind of topics to set for your teams is important to get off on the right foot! Below is a list of common topics to get you started with confidence.
The kind of topics we set for kids to debate is key to the learning process. With most of the topics set for school debating, students argue about how to best solve issues of public policy (often called policy debates). These policy topics always include the word ‘should’ so that the affirmative team has to argue why a new policy should be introduced.
Here is an introductory list of policy topics. Have fun with your students trying them!
Years 4-6
That we should get rid of school uniforms
That schools should teach current affairs instead of history classes
That primary schools should start each day with a short exercise class
That we should ban advertising that markets products to children
That we should ban parents from smacking their kids
That parents should pay their kids whenever they help around the house
That Years 5 and 6 kids should do a weekly cooking class at school
That we should ban people under 18 from having junk food
That Year 5&6 kids should have the right to vote
That all work in primary school should be done on computers
Years 7-9
That all teachers should have to spend at least one year teaching in country areas
That we should punish students who fail to report bullying
That we should ban all violent video games
That we should ban advertising of all beauty products
That we should force political parties to have equal numbers of men and women
That we should ban the sale of tobacco in Australia
That we should ban zoos
That young offenders should always receive a sentence of community service rather than prison
That we should ban sports involving animals
That we should limit car ownership to one per household
Years 10-12
That we should raise the ATAR for teaching degrees
That universities should have a quota of 50% females in STEM courses
That we should require free to air channels to broadcast equal amounts of men and women’s sport
That we should only hold international sporting events in democracies
That no one should be allowed to post online anonymously
That songs containing violent and offensive lyrics should be banned
That CEOs of companies who cause environmental damage should be prosecuted
That we should reserve seats in parliament for indigenous candidates
That we should never send non-violent offenders to prison
That the government should be able to censor social media in times of national emergency
Remember: Topics that work well are worded to effectively touch on issues that are contentious in society, yet have balanced arguments for both sides.