Podcast | Intermediate Resource

  • Explanation

    Why conclusions are important — They are the last thing that people remember from your speech. They are a chance for you to leave the audience with some of your most memorable ideas

    Why conclusions are more important than introductions, particularly in public speaking — Most speeches have a tendency to ‘fizzle’ out, which means that they start big, have hard hitting themes and then tend to back off the conclusion. It’s actually more beneficial to engage your audience through a process of building a speech and bringing them to a conclusion.

    — What are some of the obvious conclusions and how can you avoid them?

    — What is a call to action, and what is the difference between a cheesy and an effective call to action?

    — Why there should be an accent on what audiences ‘take away’ from the speech.

    Common mistakes

    — Explaining the obvious stance or reiterating the entire speech

    — Having a conclusion that is too long

    — Coming to a conclusion that asks more questions than it answers


    — Don’t be afraid to start by writing a conclusion - you can work backwards from there if need be.

    — If your speech content changes organically over time, your conclusion should too.

    — Your body language should correlate with a conclusion - don’t just run off stage.