Podcast | Beginner Resource

  • Background and Tips

    — Social context. In the real world bans are only used in an attempt to stop things considered very harmful (illegal drugs).

    — Bans are one of the most common mechanisms used in debating topics for implementing a policy. Bans are hardline mechanisms for affirmative. Because bans are coercive, beware exaggeration in justifying them.

    — Different types of bans: homework (outdated practices), smacking (contested harms), tobacco/sports involving animals (clear harms). Black markets.

    — Compare solutions—ban (final step) verses status quo (regulation/organic change).

    Common Mistakes

    — Affirmative expanding on harms that will simply be agreed with by neg— reasonable basis.

    — Claiming benefits or harms that aren’t really there or are so tangential as to be of minimal relevance.

    — Nanny state—government overreach (not a real thing).